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Monday, March 18, 2013


Sometimes I am moved to action by the most mundane events in daily life. Last week while watching TV I saw a commercial for the Famine War Drought Relief (FWD>>) site.  This was the first time I had really heard about the crisis happening right NOW in the horn of Africa. I mean, we all see commercials with children who appear sick and orphaned, but have you ever stopped to seriously think about how horrible and scary that would be if the tables were turned? 60 years of the worst drought in addition to famine and civil war contribute to 13 million people who suffer every day in the horn- That’s more than the population of Los Angeles and New York combined.


There is more death and suffering in this area of African than the Tsunami in Haiti and Indonesia combined. I know facts and figures can be boring but seriously stop and think about how many people that is.

These are people who have NO food or water and live in terror because of constant civil war in the area over political control. The violence is so prevalent that efforts for relief have been stalled and even blocked leaving millions to suffer and die

The ones who suffer most are the children; a child dies every six minutes in the horn. Could you imagine losing your child simply because you could not feed him/her or protect them from a simple virus like the flu?

After reading I was shocked to say the least and a bit shameful because I know how much food and money I have wasted; I felt compelled to do something. It only takes $10 to feed a child in the horn for 10 days and I was thinking of all the ways I piss away money on frivolous things that I know I don’t need. Think about all the things you buy and do that are unnecessary?


I was surprised but not surprised to find out that most people don’t know what’s going on, or they do and just don’t care.  We are so assed backwards in this country. We can recite lyrics to mindless music, keep up with the latest trends via “reality TV”, and run out and buy the new IPhone or Android  but we can’t stop to see that people are suffering and dying? We can’t stop to cultivate a bit of compassion for another person? What happened to us a society that we are willing to say this is okay? It's NOT.

Let me put it this way, would you let your neighbor die in front of you if they were only asking for a bit of food and water? How blessed are we, that if we want or need food we can just get right up, hop in the car and go the nearest grocery store or convince mart and grab what we want, opposed to millions in Africa who have nothing and have no choice but to walk 100 miles just to find food and clean water.

I hear people all day talk and complain about not having enough money, or the right house or  the perfect car.  Everyone in our society wants to be “rich”, not knowing that they have been wealthy all along.


So why aren't people willing to help others in need and why is awareness about  the crisis in the horn so low? Have values in our society changed so much that we ignore people in our community who suffer right in front of our faces?  Weigh in and give your POV on this and I will  “Meet you” in the comments section.

 Take it a step further…
What if you could change a little part of the world by doing something small? At least this is what I thought to myself while watching the ad on TV. Without hesitation I text the code provided to pledge $10 and also purchased a beaded bracelet on the website. I figured that this was the least I could do in addition to writing this blog.

 SO NOW ITS YOUR TURN!  After you comment, I am asking that everyone who reads this post take some ACTION by clicking on the  link below for the website to make a $10 donation  OR by texting “GIVE” to 777444.

If the tables were turned, wouldn't you want some to help you? I’m Just Saying-

To Your Wealth,

Sunday, March 17, 2013

I've Been MIA

Technical difficulties have prevented me from posting regularly but I'm back. Be on the look for new posts real soon.


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